Geocoding API Documentation

The Geocoding API provides forward and reverse geocoding search based on data by OpenStreetMap contributors.

By using this API you must adhere to the OpenStreetMap attribution requirements as stated here.

The Geocoding API relies on a redundant infrastructure of geocoder nodes powered by the Nominatim software with edge servers for fast delivery of results.

A free tier is available for private hobby use (e.g. private websites without ads and tracking scripts).

For business needs, several plans are available.

All plans are eligble to use the standard geocoding endpoints for forward and reverse geocoding.

Visit to sign up for an api key and subscribe to a plan.


  • /v1/search - GeocodingSearch: Free-form forward geocoding search.
  • /v1/forward - ForwardGeocoding: Structured forward geocoding.
  • /v1/reverse - ReverseGeocoding: Reverse geocoding.

GeocodingSearch /v1/search


A free-form forwarding geocoding search. (For a structured forward geocoding search, use the alternative ForwardGeocoding endpoint.)

Query param options

param required value options notes
q required free-form search query
format [json,jsonv2,xml,geojson,geocodejson] default: json
addressdetails [0,1] default: 0
namedetails [0,1] default: 0
extratags [0,1] default: 0
accept-language two letter or four letter language code e.g. "en" or "en-GB"
json_callback callback function for json format
polygon_geojson [0,1] default: 0
polygon_kml [0,1] default: 0
polygon_svg [0,1] default: 0
polygon_text [0,1] default: 0
countrycodes (two letter country code array) restrict results to those countries, must use the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code
viewbox x1,y1,x2,y2 restrict search to viewing box (use in combination with bounded=1)
bounded [0,1] default: 0 - use this in combination with viewbox coordinates
polygon_threshold default: 0.0
limit [1...20] limit the number of results, default: 1

ForwardGeocoding v1/forward


A structured forward geocoding search. Use this for a better structured search using street, housenumber, city, county and country as input. The ForwardGeocoding search endpoint can also be used for address verification or address completion, e.g. to find the postcode for a street and city. Set addressdetails to 1 to use this function for address completion or postcode search.

For a free-form forward geocoding search, use the GeocodingSearch endpoint.

query param options

param required value options notes
street at least one of street, city, postcode, county or country is required (housenumber) street if using a housenumber, prefix it
postalcode at least one of street, city, postalcode, county, state or country is required
city at least one of street, city, postalcode, county, state or country is required
county at least one of street, city, postalcode, county, state or country is required
state at least one of street, city, postalcode, county, state or country is required
country at least one of street, city, postalcode, county, state or country is required
format [json,jsonv2,xml,geojson,geocodejson] default: json
addressdetails [0,1] default: 0
namedetails [0,1] default: 0
extratags [0,1] default: 0
accept-language two letter or four letter language code e.g. "en" or "en-GB"
json_callback callback function for json format
polygon_geojson [0,1] default: 0
polygon_kml [0,1] default: 0
polygon_svg [0,1] default: 0
polygon_text [0,1] default: 0
countrycodes (two letter country code array) restrict results to those countries, must use the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code
viewbox x1,y1,x2,y2 restrict search to viewing box (use in combination with bounded=1)
bounded [0,1] default: 0 - use this in combination with viewbox coordinates
polygon_threshold default: 0.0
limit [1...20] limit the number of results, default: 1

ReverseGeocoding v1/reverse


Find an address or a place for a geography coordinate.

query param options

param required value options notes
lat required
lon required
zoom recommended [0...18] see extra zoom table, set the zoom to define the administrative area you want as a result
format [json,jsonv2,xml,geojson,geocodejson] default: json
addressdetails [0,1] default: 0
namedetails [0,1] default: 0
extratags [0,1] default: 0
accept-language two letter or four letter language code e.g. "en" or "en-GB"
json_callback callback function for json format
polygon_geojson [0,1] default: 0
polygon_kml [0,1] default: 0
polygon_svg [0,1] default: 0
polygon_text [0,1] default: 0
polygon_threshold default: 0.0
limit [1...20] limit the number of results, default: 1

Zoom values for reverse geocoding endpoint

zoom returned detail
3 country
5 state
8 county
10 city
12 town
14 suburb
16 major street
17 major or minor street
18 building